TGV General


TGV = Tour + Giro + Vuelta

Launch : the 1st of may 2021 - START : 488 TGVs

NOW : 511 TGVs

List shown by decades

Completely free and automatic : 1 climb, 1 claim and your score evolutes

General presentation

Which climbs ? The list of the 1Cat. and still better Xcat. climbs of the 3 great tours.

This list has an annual fixed quote but will be filled every coming year by the eventual new 1Cat. and Xcat. , new climbs taken by the organizers in the tours of the future ,...

This is the first challenge with a fixed, limited, BUT EVOLUTING number. You can become KOM (King of Mountain) ... until the moment that a new climb appears. 

It's normally a good motivation for the sporting guys and the young people fond of broadcasted climbs on big tours.


Main manager and creator : Amaury Preillon

Technical help and edition : Daniel Gobert, Eric Lucas, Fabrice Otuszewski, Robert Charbonnier, BIGCYCLING AISBL


Here below some examples of profiles for the 3 great tours with HC and 1C climbs.













PARx like in Golf Game means the amount of climbs still to climb


100%  King of Mountain

460 (or top1)
90% : Leaders (Meneurs)

70% : Chasers (Poursuivants)

STEP : 358 claims

25% : Peloton

20% : Gruppetto



Rules to build the list

1) The XCat. countain the HC (Hors-Catégories) for the Tour, the ESP (Especial) for the Vuelta and the CC (Cima Coppi) & AiS (Arrivo in Salita) for the Giro.


2) The selected tops are mainly the places where the line of the GPM was drawn but this line could be somewhere else.

* If the GPM is below, in the climb. We choose that case when an upper top was already included in the superlist of bigs or in a national Natacha challenge. The name stays the name of the big or of the natacha with the TGV-nr added.enlightenedList of the 'inclused TGV" (menu Informations)

* If the GPM is very near an existing climb (choosen for the simplicity to manage an arrival for a race), if the D+ is too low and not worthy, we keep the summit as it is.enlightenedList of the "assimilated TGV" (menu Informations)

* If the GPM is higher and if the D+ is higher and then worthy, we create a new track for this GPM (that means, or without the first part leading to the existing top, or with a new side leading to the GPM with a short downhill to the existing top)enlightenedList of the "outgrowths TGV" (menu Informations)

* If the GPM has a common track in the beginning, with an existing top, we also create a new track for this GPM in "its own area" (that means with the start at the crossroad when the 2 tracks split) enlightenedList of the "TGV under own area" (menu Informations)


3) When a climb was used in 2 different tours, we gave generally the priority to the first tour using it with the date of its first existence.


4) The number of a tgv-climb has 3 different sections separated by one "-". TGV first, the year of the first existence as an HC or Cat1 secondly, and the rank of this climb inside the new HC or Cat1 of this year-tour.


5) The TGVs of the current year are only included at the end of each tour, with the condition to have been really climbed during the race, because a stage can be deleted or modified for many different reasons.The total amount of TGVs change consequently everytime maximum one month after the race, with the addition of the new GPMs HC and Cat1 climbed during the tour of the current year. The classement is updated consequently.

enlightenedList of "Potential TGV" (menu Informations) that will be added if ridden this year


6) You will have the badges KOM, LEADER or FOLLOWER (Purchaser) in your personal page,  every time that you reach the steps needed to get them, and until the end of every year. To keep them the year after depends on the new total amount of TGVs. If you reached at least one time in your life the step KOM (King of the Mountain=Par0), a special badge will be included forever in your personal page.


7) We discovered clues suggesting that certain climbs may be in our selection. But due to lack of convincing evidence, we are currently classifying them in a list of doubtful cases. Any irrefutable evidence discovered in the future will insert these climbs into the official TGV list. Otherwise, they will stay on this list.

enlightenedList of "doubtful TGV" (menu Informations)


8) Old TGVs from another era stand on a track that became a fast road with heavy traffic very different from those bygone days. They no longer meet the safety conditions for cyclists that our association always included in all of its challenges.

enlightenedList of "dangerous TGV" (menu Informations)


The list of the tgv, updated frequently, is also available under papersheet form





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