You would like to climb 25 times the same BIG !! (BIG, Natacha or TGV)
Perhaps, you're crazy or so, so strong ?
Since the 25th birthday of the B.I.G. , when we wished to celebrate this birthday through a special event, we were surprised inside the sommittee by the success of this kind of feat.
25 times, it's a challenge, a real sport challenge, a level of motivation, of personal overpassing. We called it the Ironbig, evocating a link with the idea of the Ironman.
The winners of an Ironbig will become godfathers (or godmothers) of this BIG.
The page about this big will have a link for life to your name. And then, are you ready for this great adventure ?
How to become a godfather/godmother ?
Iron BIG - rules
1. Success
To have success, a member must claim 25 times one number (BIG, Natacha or TGV) inside the whole year, but
a. if the difference of level is less than 500m, to claim it 25 times inside only 1 month
b. if the difference of level is less than 200m, to claim it 25 times inside only 1 day
Note: if the summit has slopes with differences of level in two categories, the member can only declare the 25 times over the longest time allowed if he climbs the difference(s) of level of the higher category, each time. In all other cases, the member can climb, either always the same side, or a mixture of sides of the same category.
2. Procedure
The member prevents by mail the committee of the challenge that he'll try a precise number in the list at a designed moment
Afterwards, he claims through the form by the same way the dates of his success, little by little or in one time with a few proffs if possible ( profile on GPS machine, photos, texts,...)
3. Consequences
After success in his attempt, he'll become a godfather of this BIG (or she'll become a godmother) and his name will be written in the descriptions'pages of this climb forever as the godfather (godmother) for life of this BIG.
After 10 different ironbigs, the member becomes ironbigger.
After 25 different ironbigs, the member becomes super-ironbig.
After 50 different ironbigs, the member becomes ultra-ironbig.
After 75 different ironbigs, the member becomes hyper-ironbig.
After 100 different ironbigs, the member becomes master-ironbig.