504 - Marão

CHARBONNIER Robert - 15-01-2024:
This side has been identified as MTB on the site. Climbers will be warned. Thank you.

SPEICH Mike - 04-01-2024:
Tried this climb on 10.08.2023 from Sta. Marta de Penaguião. Nice road until you get to 850 metres and have to leave the CM 1240-3. It was a goat track, in awful shape with large stones. Impossible on a road bike, and even on an MTB be prepared to do some hiking.

CHARBONNIER Robert - 24-08-2018:
Tracés corrigés / Tracks corrected

WEYTMANS Christiaan - 06-06-2018:
We did this climb on 30-5-2018 from the west-side which starts in Amarante. The track is correct but the distance is 37 km. The side-road to the right from the N15 is not a gravel-road but very, very, very bad asphalt: more stones than asphalt, hardly doing by roadbike.
