AUT-294 - Sendemast Brentenriegel

CHARBONNIER Robert - 10-08-2022:
SW side added

PAL Gabor - 08-08-2022:
Good solutions, thank you.

GOBERT Daniel - 05-08-2022:
The other suggestion (Helenenschacht) can't be selected because it is the S-side of an hungarian natacha HUN004. We added it inside the name : Brennbergbánya - Helenenschacht. Gabor noted : 'Further towards Hermes and the Austrian border there is another 100m of hight difference on good quatity paved forest road.'

This eastern increasing allows to link with south-Helenenschacht.

For Brentenriegel itself, 2 photos show that it is not the finest but it is not the worst too, and Wikipedia shows its interest in an article wikipédia DEU (link below).

We will add a SW side like the openrunner OP15280-735. Foot at Mühlvierte through the forest.

CHARBONNIER Robert - 04-08-2022:
Note sent to Daniel, for further analysis

PAL Gabor - 24-07-2022:
A route with several junctions, no real natural starting point. The route runs almost entirely between houses, and at the end of the route, access to the area around the summit is forbidden. Therefore, I think it is worth considering whether the Lackendorf - Ritzing - Helenenschacht (state border pass, 200+ m elevation gain) route would not be a better choice in the area.
