ITA-127 - Passo del Biscia

REPETTI M A U R O - 03-10-2022:
Passo del Biscia from Varese Ligure (which is worth a visit for its castle, Roman bridge and its circular village) is a gentle climb, that bites only in the last 2 km. - the road was openend in 1966.
16 km with average slope of 3,5% and max of 13-14% in a small part.
I crossed zero, i repeat, zero cars on a sunday day.
Climb develops in a wild and sparsely inhabited valley, road surface not really good - you pedal with lots of woods and lots of shade.
Top is only half an hour car from the sea.
The monument to the partisans at the top (3 human figures) highlights the support given in these lands by peasants to partisan groups.
Giro d'Italia climbed one time in 2007.
