714 - Passo Fedaia (La Marmolada)

05/08/2020 : Serrai di Sottoguda chiusa per frane ed alluvioni
Serrai di Sottoguda closed from landslides and floods
Serrai di Sottoguda fermée à cause d'inondations et de glissements de terrain

NILSON Jerry - 17-01-2023:
They may open the Sottoguda gorge road again later this year I read in researching Fedaia a week ago.

CHARBONNIER Robert - 21-08-2020:
A warning has been set on this BIG. Thank you.

NOOTENBOOM Louis - 05-08-2020:
It’s not possible to ride through the gorge, because of landslides and change of the creek. Stay on the main road if coming from Caprile.

CHARBONNIER Robert - 07-08-2018:
Timers corrigés / corrected

WEYTMANS Christiaan - 25-07-2018:
We did this climb on 25-7-2018. The timetable is not correct. Profile is correct.