CHE-165 - Vnà

REPETTI M A U R O - 01-01-2024:
Vnà is a village ( 70 inhabitants) in the Lower Engadine in the Swiss canton of Graubünden, situated at 1.630 m above sea level.
Is sunny and a little isolated from the rest of the world.
Climb start from Ramosch , and is 4,50 km long, with an average of 10,5 % and bits of 18 % - VERY HARD climb!
The small village (cobbled) and its church are worth seeing.
The “dicziunari rumantsch” allows the comparison of expressions in Romansh, Italian, German and English. The relevant signs are posted on homes throughout the country roads.
Road is poor-traffic, tarmac always perfect in Swiss, and enough large.
Car park = near start there's a area along main road