ITA-376 - Monte delle Formiche

REPETTI M A U R O - 14-05-2024:
"Killer" climb - like I call the evil short road - Ants Mount can be divided in 3 parts =
1) first 2 km av 9.5 - bit at 17 %
2) almost flat part for 2 km
3) last 2.7 average 10,3 with bit at 17%.
Road not large, tarmac typical of this part of Italy = bumpy / traffic = zero.
Bologna Apennines are very particular, they alternate flat with very steep parts, in practice it's like climbing steps.
Why called Ants mount ?? cos a a curious phenomenon occurre every year for some time, in September swarms of winged ants from Germany migrate to the top of this mountain and, after mating, go to die in the sanctuary area.
Car park= lots of places near start in Ca' Bazzone.

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