UKD-315 - Kingston Hill

REPETTI M A U R O - 25-01-2023:
Kingston is a classic hill climb long around 2 km, with max slope 18% near the top.
As you leave Kingston Blount, the road is almost flat -1% , but after the road bends to the right, the true climb starts; for the last km av. is 9%.
The steepest part of the climb is the last and when you reach the horizon most of the job is done; the road continues to gradually rise around a right hand bend until you meet up with the A40 and the plate Buckinghamshire with in the back a Tv tower.
Tarmac good, some traffic.
Park for car along the flat initial part.

SPEED Kevin - 05-08-2021: Large cylindrical concrete telecommunication tower at the top similar to Croker Hill in Cheshire UKD 169. Top is on the Oxfordshire / Buckinghamshire boundary
