Benelux 2017



Photos of the meeting / Photos du rendez vous (cliquer)

29th of October 2017 / 29 Octobre 2017


Participants : Axel jansen, Daniel Gobert, Dominique Jacquemin, Dominique Vanstiphout, Jean-Luc Le Tutour, Jean-Luc Matte, Heiko Linnert, Christiaan Weytmans, Etienne Mayeur et Laurence, ....


Message from Axel Jansen, manager

I hope you are all ready for this BIG DAY 2017 in Luxembourg.

Time is flying and our end-of-year meeting is approaching quite fast.


Short change : I propose to start from Heiderscheidergrund (Hotel restaurant Bissen Pizzeria Am Gronn) 10 km from Bourscheid.

Why? Because this restaurant can welcome more people :^)


The idea is to meet on Sunday 29 October 2017 in Heiderscheidergrund at 8h30 in order to start at 8h45.

Good news : this is the ‘winter-time’ week-end, meaning we will get one more hour to sleep 😊 NB: I’ll arrive at 8AM.


I have prepared 2 parcours:


BIG Day 2017 – long parcours

    Openrunner ID 7990054
    86.5 km
    1,509 m elevation
    BIG 142 – Côte d’Eschdorf
    BIG 144 – Herrenberg
    BIG 139 – Mont Saint Nicolas
    BIG 140 – Bourscheid (via Feischterbierg)
    Possibility to add: BIG 143 – Ferme de Masseler

BIG Day 2017 – medium parcours

    Openrunner ID 7990177
    67.7 km
    1,438 m elevation
    BIG 142 – Côte d’Eschdorf
    BIG 141 – Jardin-Tour Napoléon
    BIG 140 – Bourscheid (via Feischterbierg)
    BIG 143 – Ferme de Masseler

As usual, we will decide on the spot which parcours to cycle.

Dominique is intending to cycle only 40km – anyone also interested, please tell me.


The idea is of course to meet at the restaurant at the end of the loop – around 13h00.


It goes without saying that in the afternoon the strongest ones can cycle the second loop πŸ˜‰.


For practical reasons, please confirm as soon as possible your attendance and your presence or not at the restaurant.


NB: A coffee will offered for the first positive confirmation.


Best regards et bon entraînement,


Haut les coeurs 😊



You can contact Axel Jansen here through this website(BIG #162)


  • One to the East with

QUI sera présent ??? – WHO Will be present ???

Don't forget to confirm your participation to Axel as soon as possible

N’oubliez pas de confirmer votre venue à Axel  LE PLUS RAPIDEMENT POSSIBLE.

Le nombre de places étant limité (à 25) seuls les premiers pourront être servis.

The amount of places is limuted to 25. Only the first 25 ones will be served.


Best regards and good training

Amitiés et bon entraînement,