731 - Alpe Rossombolmo

REPETTI M A U R O - 25-01-2023:
F O R G E T the road bike for a climb like this !!!!
dont be fooled from the first 7,5 kms that are pedalable with a road bike, because after will be impossible, both for slope % but above all for the bad conditions of the road (and if is wet, is VERY hard also with a mountain bike, like i did that day after a thunderstorm)
Clearly, if u get off the road bike and walk in some parts, you can reach the top, but if you want without put the famous feet on the ground, use a MTB/VTT, believe me.
Also a gravel could be good, but only with a very small pinion in the front (and a big one on the rear !!!) ;
I told before, i climbed it with wet road, and the rear wheel of my MTB slipped , great balance and skills needed for not to stop !!!
Like i said, first 7,5 km in good condition and not too steep - from here all change, the road is very bumpy, with holes, leaves, gravel, branches and there is almost 700-800 meters very very steep ( i had not inclinometer, but i can estimate near 30 % ).
After this steep part, a almost flat make you breathe, before the last hairpins that lead to the top, and where % increase until 15-18 %.
On the top you can find some houses and a refuge, all closed when i was there.
In conclusion, a very very hard climb, with higher level of difficulty point of Mortirolo and same of Zoncolan, but in my opinion harder, due to the condition of the road.
PS one time up, you have to go down......I CANT imagine the screams of pain of that poor road bike.......
PS2 is a very silent climb, cos is a private road (only for residents) so no cars (also cos possible only with small 4x4) ..and....in one moment of silent...i hear noise in the forest....sight up on my right.....4 boars (2 small).....luckily they were more scared than me, and ran away...

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NILSON Jerry - 04-07-2022:
I could cycle all on a road bike on 15th of July 2013 (can't believe it was so long ago) except for the steepest ramp with poor concrete close to 30% (ca. 100-150m maybe), but as Mauro suggests, it might have gotten worse (in the upper part it was newly asphalted on my visit ...) – worst part was the flies in the heat in the first part (for me).

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SCHILLEMANS Coen - 19-05-2015:
Het is een klim met zeer steile hellingen , op sommige punten beslist meer dan 20 % , zelfs voor delen van een paar honderd meter . Het pad is geasfalteerd, maar vaak erg armoedig, vies met gaten, bladeren, dennenappels, stenen en zelfs een paar rotsen boven het asfalt uit! Ik beveel het aan om met een mtb of met een fiets met een triple en achter een forse krans. Ik heb het op 07-05-2015 gedaan met de racefiets (compact 34x29) , maar op sommige plaatsen is het noodzakelijk om je stuur naar beneden te duwen en op het puntje van je zadel te zitten. Zelfs een paar keer kort gestopt om op adem te komen! Naar beneden fietsen was evenmin een feest en af en toe gevaarlijk.

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ALBERINI Enrico - 20-07-2012:
E' una salita con pendenze molto elevate, in alcuni punti decisamente
oltre il 20%, anche per tratti di qualche centinaio di metri. Il fondo è
asfaltato, ma spesso è malmesso, sporco di foglie e con qualche sasso.
Io consiglio di farla con la MTB oppure con una bici con la tripla e
gomme da almeno 28. Si può fare anche con la bici da corsa ma in
qualche tratto occorrerà scendere e spingere e la discesa potrebbe
essere pericolosa. Io l'ho fatta il 16/7/2012.

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